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Former Faculty and Staff

For now, this is the information we have about the wonderful educators who have made St. Angela their teaching home.  We would love to expand this information to include first names, years and grades taught, etc.  This is a daunting project.  Let us know if you would like to help!  Please call Lynn Fredrick at 773.626.2655 or send an email to

Principals & Teachers

Sister Catherine Agnes

Sister Francis Agnes

Sister Alberta

Sister Mary Alfred

Sister Marie Aloyse

Sister Marie Aloysius

Sister Antonita

Sister Mary Assumpta

Sister Margaret Ann

Sister Francis Ann

Sister Augustine

Sister Barbara

Sister Theresa Bolan

Sister Maryellen Callahan

Sister Mary Carina

Sister Ellen Catherine

Sister Veronica Claire

Sister Mary Constance

Sister Damian

Sister Edwardine

Sister Eileen

Sister Charles Ellen

Sister Joseph Ellen

Sister Alice Elizabeth

Sister Mary Frances

Sister Mary Finnegan

Sister Genivieve

Sister Mary Germaine

Sister Gregory

Sister T. Guerin

Sister Carol Gussy

Sister Rose Helene

Sister David Jean

Sister Margaret Jeanette

Sister Joyce

Sister Joan Lang

Sister Margaret Kelly

Sister Helen Lorretta

Sister Marion Lorretto

Sister Josephine Louise

Sister Ann Lucille

Sister Francis Lucille

Sister Viola Maie

Sister Jeanette Marie

Sister Inez Marie

Sister Ann Margaret

Sister Marie Margaret

Sister Alexis Marie

Sister Teresa Marie

Sister Rose Marion

Sister Francis Maureen

Sister Teresa Mary

Sister Katherine McNulty

Sister Rose Michele

Sister Norene

Sister Theresa Panfil

Sister Jean Paula
Sister Agnes Patrice
Sister Mary Petronella

Sister Providencia

Sister Francis Regis

Sister Mary Rose

Sister Margaret Rose

Sister Mary Rosita

Sister Marie Teriseta

Sister May Ursula

Sister Ursalina

Sister Joanna Valentino

Sister Rose Vincent

Ms. B. Bird (Currence)

Mrs. Bobak

Ms. Bongiorno
Ms. Booker

Mr. B. Brand

Miss Cahill

Mrs. E. Carr

Mr. Cella

Mrs. Condon

Mrs. Coutee

Ms. Cox

Mrs. Cullen

Mr. Daly

Ms. DelMedico

Ms. Dettle
Ms. Donnelly

Mrs. Dower

Mrs. Enright

Mrs. Fiorentino

Ms. Flynn

Mrs. Foster
Miss Francis

Mrs. Grant

Mr. Giacalone

Mr. Gillespie

Mrs. Hamilton

Mrs. Hayflinger

Ms. K. Headly

Mrs. Higgins

Mr. J. Hobbs

Mrs. Jackle

Ms. Jacox

Mrs. Johnson

Ms. Kiszcka

Mr. Kushnir

Ms. Lane

Mrs. Lawler

Mrs. Lindstrom

Mrs. Lynch

Mrs. Lyons

Ms. Mackey

Miss Martin

Mrs. Margiewicz
Ms. Mayo

Mr. H. Mazzeo

Ms. McGuire

Ms. Mentone
Ms. Mosier

Mrs. Mulvihill
Ms. G. O'Rourke

Ms. M. O’Rourke

Ms. Petlak

Mr. Pollard

Ms. Puchta

Mr. Pump

Mr. D Renner

Ms. Rinaldi

Mr. E. Rodriquez

Mr. A. Rolla

Ms. Russ

Mrs. Ryan

Ms. Scanlon

Ms. Silvia

Mrs. Sjostrom

Mrs. Stojack

Ms. Suker

Ms. Sullivan

Ms. Sweeney

Mrs. Tobias

Mrs. Thorton

Ms. Walz

Mrs. Watson

Mrs. Wasielewski

Ms. Wheeler

Mrs. Wihelm

Mrs. Wilgus
Ms. T. Henderson Williams

Mr. Williams

Mr. Zuccaro

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